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Warpface Double Chevron [menue]
[GO TO] Double Chevron Introduction

[GO TO] Double Chevron Headstick Configuration

[GO TO] Double Chevron [W] Pattern Tutorial

[GO TO] Double Chevron [M] Pattern Tutorial

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Warpface Double Chevron Pattern [Introduction]
The warpface double chevron pattern can be worked in two forms.
  • One form combines two point down chevrons pattern joined by a point up chevron pattern.

  • This configuration produces a [W] shaped pattern.

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  • The other form combines two point up chevrons pattern joined by a point down chevron pattern.

  • This configuration produces a [M] shaped pattern.

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Warpface Double Chevron Pattern
[ setting up the headstick ]
  • To set up a double chevron pattern, at least two colors of yarn will be needed.
  • The number of strands of yarn for each color must be a mutiple of 4.
  • For this tutorial, 48 strand of yarn will be used; 24 yellow and 24 blue. Use clove hitches to cast the yarn strands onto the headstick in the folowing sequence: 6 yellow, 12 blue, 12 yellow, 12 blue, 6 yellow.
  • The set-up for both configurations is the same. The point of the joining chevron is in the middle of the work piece. This divides the work piece in half. Each half must be a mirror image of the other half. The points of the chevrons that are being joined are in the middle of the each half. Therefore the work piece is divided into four equal parts. Each of the four parts is mirror image of its neighbor.

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Pick up the shed so that ----
  • --- the first strand that is to the left of the middle is in the top layer of the shed.
  • --- the first strand that is to the right of the middle is in the bottom layer ot the shed.
  • --- the first strand that is to the left of the middle of each of the halves is in the top layer of the shed.
  • --- the first strand that is to the right of the middle of each of the halves is in the bottom layer ot the shed.

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[GO TO] Warpface Double Chevron
[W] Pattern Tutorial
[GO TO] Warpface Double Chevron
[M] Pattern Tutorial