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Free End Interlinked Fingerweaving
Chevron Point Up [S] Twist [worked right to left][YouTube]

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Free End Interlinked Fingerweaving
Chevron Point Up [S] Twist [worked right to left]
Headstick Set Up

Chevron point up [S] twist interlinked fingerweaving tutorial patter will be worked from the right hand side to the left hand side of the workpiece.

The hedstick is set up using two contrasting color for the chevron pattern and a third color for borders.

The number of strands of each color must be divisible by four.

For this tutorial the strands are cast on to the headstick in the following order:
8 [border color], 4 [color 1], 8 [color 2], 4 [color 1],8 [border color].

The shed is picked up on the index finger of the left hand. The bottom layer of the shed is under the index finger. The top layer of the shed is over the index finger.

[NOTE] The headstick is set up so that the first strand on the right hand side of the workpiece is in the bottom layer of the shed.

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First Pass--Section One

Start on the right hand side of the workpiece, weave [S] twist interlink fingerweaving until one strand of the right hand side chevron color band is unused.
[figure-2] [click here to see video]

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First Pass--Section One

Pass the unused strand through the shed to the center of the middle color band.

[NOTE] The strands to right hand side of middle will be the right hand side twining strands.

[NOTE] The strands to left hand side of middle will be the left hand side twining strands.
[figure-3] [click here to see video]

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First Pass--Section One

[S] twist twine the right hand side twining strands.
[figure-4] [click here to see video]

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First Pass--Section One

Reach through the shed of the left hand side twining strands.

Pick up the first top strand of the left hand color band.

Pull the picked up strand to the center of the workpiece.
[figure-5] [click here to see video]

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First Pass--Section One

Complete the link between the two sides.

--- Place the left hand side center strand over the right hand center strand.

--- Transfer the strands to the index finger of the right hand.

[NOTE] The linked center strands form the point of the chevron.
[figure-6] [click here to see video]

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First Pass--Section One

[S] twist twine the left hand side twining strands.
[figure-7] [click here to see video]

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First Pass--Section One

Complete the first pass of section one [S] twist interlink fingerweaving.
[figure-8] [click here to see video]

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Second Pass--Section One

Starting on the right hand side [S] twist interlink fingerweave untill there is only one bottom strand brfore the right hand side twining strands.
[figure-9] [click here to see video]

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Second Pass--Section One

Pass the unused strand through the shed of the right hand side twining strands.
[figure-10] [click here to see video]

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Second Pass--Section One

[S] twist twine the right hand side twining strands.

[figure-11] [click here to see video]

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Second Pass--Section One

Finish forming the [S] twist link.
[figure-12] [click here to see video]

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Second Pass--Section One

Reach through the the shed of the left hand side twinning strands.

Pich up the first top layer strand of the left hand color band,

Pass the picked up strand through the shed of the twining strands to the middle of the workpiece.
[figure-13] [click here to see video]

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Second Pass--Section One

Finish [S] twist interlink to the center of the workpiece.
[figure-14] [click here to see video]

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Srcond Pass--Section One

[S] twist twine the left hand side twining strands.
[figure-15] [click here to see video]

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Second Pass--Section One

Finish the second pass of the [S] twist interlink fingerweaving. [NOTE] The next pass of weaving will be a transition row.
[figure-16] [click here to see video]

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First Pass--Second Section

Start on the right hand side of the workpiece, weave [S] twist interlink fingerweaving until one strand of the right hand side chevron color band is unused.
[figure-17] [click here to see video]

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First Pass--Second Section

Pass the unused strand through the shed of the twining strands.
[figure-18] [click here to see video]

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First Pass--Second Section

[S] twist twine the right hand side twining strands.
[figure-19] [click here to see video]

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First Pass--Second Section

Finish the [S] twist interlink to the right hand side.
[figure-20] [click here to see video]

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Second Pass--Second Section

Take one additional [S] twist interlink stitch.

[OBSERVE] There is one unused strand before the left hand side twinning strands.
[figure-21] [click here to see video]

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Second Pass--Second Section

Reach through the shed of the left hand twinning strands.

Pich up the first top layer strand of the left hand color band,

Pass the picked up strand through the shed of the left hand twining strands.
[figure-22] [click here to see video]

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First Pass--Second Section

Finish the [S] twist link.
[figure-23] [click here to see video]

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First Pass--Second Section

[S] twist twine the left hand side twining strands.
[figure-24] [click here to see video]

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First Pass--Second Section

Finish the first pass of the [S] twist interlinked fingerweaving.
[figure-25] [click here to see video]

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Second Pass--S Section

Weave the second pass of the second section.

[OBSERVE] The configuration of the center color bands are reversed.
[figure-26] [click here to see video]

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First Pass--Third Section

Start on the right hand side [S] twist interlink fingerweave untill there is one unused strand before the center color band.
[figure-27] [click here to see video]

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First Pass--Third Section

Pass the unused strand through the shed to the center of the middle color band.

[NOTE] The strands to right hand side of middle will be the right hand side twining strands.

[NOTE] The strands to left hand side of middle will be the left hand side twining strands..
[figure-28] [click here to see video]

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First Pass--Third Section

[S] twist twine the right hand side twining strands.
[figure-29] [click here to see video]

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First Pass--Third Section

Reach through the shed of the left hand side twining strands.

Pick up the first top strand of the left hand color band.

Pull the picked up strand to the center of the workpiece.
[figure-30] [click here to see video]

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First Pass--Third Section

Complete the link between the two sides.

--- Place the left hand side center strand over the right hand center strand.

--- Transfer the strands to the index finger of the right hand.

[NOTE] The linked center strands form the point of the next chevron.
[figure-31] [click here to see video]

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First Pass--Third Section

[S] twist twine the left hand side twining strands.
[figure-32] [click here to see video]

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First Pass--Third Section

Finish the first pass of the third section of [S] twist interlinked fingerweaving.
[figure-33] [click here to see video]

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Second Pass--Third Section

Start Second Pass--Third Section of [S] twist interlink fingerweaving.

Stop when there is one unused bottom strand before the twining color strands.
[figure-34] [click here to see video]

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Second Pass--Third Section

Start the [S] twist link of the center color band to the right hand edge of the workpiece.

--- Reach through the shed of the right hand side twinig strands.

--- Pick up the unused bottom strand.

--- Pass the unused strand through the right hand side twining strands.
[figure-35] [click here to see video]

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Second Pass--Third Section

[S] twist twine the right hand side twining strands.
[figure-36] [click here to see video]

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Second Pass--Third Section

Finish the [S] twist link to the right hand side of the workpiece.

[OBSERVE] There is one unused bottom strand remaining before the left hand side twining strands.
[figure-37] [click here to see video]

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Second Pass--Third Section

Reach through the the shed of the left hand side twinning strands.

Pich up the first top layer strand of the left hand color band,

Pass the picked up strand through the shed of the twining strands to the middle of the workpiece.
[figure-38] [click here to see video]

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Second Pass--Third Section

Finish [S] twist interlink to the center of the workpiece.
[figure-39] [click here to see video]

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Second Pass--Third Section

[S] twist twine the left hand side twining strands.
[figure-40] [click here to see video]

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Second Pass--Third Section

Finish the second pass of the third section of the [S] twist interlinked fingerweaving.
[figure-41] [click here to see video]

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First Pass--Fourth Section

Weave the first pass of the fourth section.
[figure-42] [click here to see video]

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Second Pass--Fourth Section

Weave the second pass of the fourth section.
    --- The configuration of the color bands has returned to original configuration.
[figure-43] [click here to see video]

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First Pass--Fifth Section

Weave the first pass of the fifth section.

[NOTE] The center two strands will form the point of the next chevron.
[figure-44] [click here to see video]

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Second Pass--Fifth Section

Weave the second pass of the fifth section.
[figure-45] [click here to see video]

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First Pass--Sixth Section

Weave the first pass of the sixth section.

[figure-46] [click here to see video]

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Second Pass--Sixth Section

Weave the second pass of the sixth section.

[OBSERVE]This pass of weaving reveals first completes chevron pattern.

Continue adding aditional rows of weaving until the workpiece has reached the desired length.
[figure-47] [click here to see video]

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