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Free End Interelinked Fingerweaving
Chevron Pattern

The interlinked chevron pattern is produce by combining two diagonal patterns. One diagonal pattern has a right to left slant; the other diagonal pattern has a left to right slant. The two diagonal slants can be combined to produce a point up chevron or a point down chevron. Also, the chevrons can be produced by [Z] or [S] twist interlinked fingerweaving.

Free end interlinked chevron pattern can be worked in a number of different ways. However, there are only four outcomes:
Chevron point up
[Z] twist
Chevron point down
[Z] twist
Chevron point up
[S] twist
Chevron point down
[S] twist
Each of these four outcomes can be worked from the right side of the workpiece to the left side of the workpiece or from the left to side of the workpiece to the right side of the workpiece. This mean that there are eight possible way to produce a free end interlinked chevron pattern.

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Free End Interlinked Fingerweaving
Cheveron Pattern
[Z] Twist, chevron pattern point up[worked right to left]

[Z] Twist, chevron pattern point down[worked right to left]

[S] Twist, chevron pattern point up [worked right to left]

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