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[Part 1] Right side start; first strand in top layer.
  • This part of the tutorial uses two sets of yarn strands that have different colors and an even number of strands.
  • The top layer of the shed is on the left to right diagonal.
  • The first strand on the right hand side is in the top layer of the shed.

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Set up the head sticks. Then pick up the shed with the left hand. [figure-1-1] color-bands-part-1-row1-1

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[Part 1] row 1
Start weaving on the right hand side, weave until there are two bottom yarn strands remaining in the right hand color band.

[figure-1-2] [click here to see video]

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[Part 1] row 1
Starts the interlock of the two color bands.
  • Reach under the next bottom layer yarn strand.

  • Pick up the first top layer yarn strand of the left hand color band.

[figure-1-3] [click here to see video]

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[Part 1] row 1
Pull the first top layer yarn strand of the left hand color band over the last bottom layer yarn strand of the right hand color band .
[figure-1-4] [click here to see video]

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Use the thumb and index finger of the right hand to reach under the first right hand side bottom strand and pick up the second right hand side bottom strand. [figure-1-5] [click here to see video]

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Pull the second right hand side bottom yarn strand over the first left hand color bottom strand. [figure-1-6] [click here to see video]

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Move the first yarn strand of the left hand color band so that it is under the index finger of the left hand. This places the strand in the bottom layer of the shed. [figure-1-7] [click here to see video]

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Transfer the last two right hand color band yarn strands to the index finger of the the right hand.

This completes the interlocking of the the two color bands.

[OBSERVE] the first two strands of the left hand color band are in the bottom layer of the shed.
[figure-1-8] [click here to see video]

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Finish the weaving of row-1 [figure-1-9] [click here to see video]

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Weave row 2

[NOTE] Add aditional rows of weaving until the work piece is the desired length.
[figure-1-10] [click here to see video]

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